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  • Published Date

    January 10, 2019
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rankin NEW YEAR'S SAVINGS! Save Thousands On Every Vehicle in Stock BREEN 2019 FORD FIESTA SE SEDAN 16LAD Re Camera Sync wehpp ink Sk #108590 2018 FORD FOCUS SEDAN Cold Weather Piag Heated Steering Wheel. Stk. 237587 2018 FORD ON SE SE 4WD $17,460 YOU PAY | | MSRP $21,765 YOU PAY MSAP 2580 YOU PAY MSRP$ 535 YOU PAY FORIOR PA 14,362in $315,8 18,782 DCONT 5.0 $23.232 FORD RERATES500S Franklin Ford DISCOINT $1.370 REBATES.. $2.500 S Franklin Ford DISCOUNT $7,098 S Franikin Ford DSCOUNT $590 Franidin Ferd DISCOUNT $1.803 53 000 Due at signing No security deposit included $3000 Due at signing No security deposit indluded $3,000 Due at signing No security deposit included $3,000 Due at signing No securty depost included PAGE Sales Mannger DAVID RASPALLO DAN W! 2019 FORD EDGE SE 20. 18 Aloys, Rear Camera Sk 24141 PLORER 4x4 18 FORD F150 4x4 SUPERCAB 19 FORD F250 4X4 W/FISHER PLOW PW, PL, SYNC HD Abermator, Step Boands. Stk. 148436 Sinius Radio Rear Camera Sk #18281 Sync. CO, Trailer Hitch St 7858 $31,115 YOU PAY MSRP 36,600 YOU PAYMSAP YOU PAY MSAP $46.670 YOU PAY FORD REBATES$2,750 S Franilin Ford DISCOUNT $3.384 SITCAWISH FORD REBATES Franikin Ford DISCOUNT $1,513 FORD REBATES Frankdin Ford DISCOUNT $1,711 FORD REBATES Franklin Ford DISCOUNT $3.514 $3,000 Due at signing. No security deposit included $3.000 Due signing No security deposit induded $3,000 Due at signing No security deposit included $3,000 Due at signing.Nio security deposit indluded GEORGE CARR III Sales Manager Com mercial Truck Center 2EAV DEANA BREEN 2019 TRANSIT CONNECT 18 FORD F350 DRW 4X4 UTILITY 621. PN, PL SYNC RuningBoards./95215 2019 FORD TRANSIT 250 MEDIUM ROOF VAN CD Payer wSync Vinyl FLoor,Cruise Control St38017 2019 FORD F550 XL W/DUMP BODY Running Boards PW PL. PWR, HTD Mors tk, 2881 SERGEY $26 520 YOU PAY MSAP $52.965 YOU PAY MSRP $7.21S YOU PAY TREVOR DALY FORD REBATES Franiin Fard DiScOUNT $1,557 FORD REBATES Franidin Ford DISCOUNT $3.442 FORD REBATES Franidin Ford DISCOUNT $4.459 Franidin Foed DISCOUINT $2,140 COMMERCIALER MINUTES OFF RT. 495 AT EXIT 16/KING ST. VEHICLES INTERSECTION AT RT. 140, FRANKLIN, MA SALES HOURS: MON-THURS 9AM-8:30PM . FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM SUN 1 1AM-5PM SERVICE HOURS: MON, WED, FRI 7:30AM-6PM TUES & THURS 7:30AM-8PM SAT 8AM-4PM HABLAMOS ESPANOL