IMMEDIATE PAYMENT FOR FINE JEWELRY DIAMONDS PLATINU GOLD WATCHES COINS & SILVER CINDI'S DIAMOND & JEWELERY 40 Central Street, Foxborough, MA 02035 508.543.4943 3 DAY BUYING EVENT WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY ONLY SEPTEMBER 12th, 13th &14th 10 AM to 5 PM WE BUY ALL SIZE DIAMONDS PREMIUMS FOR 1 CARAT & ABOVE FORTUNES GLADLY PAID FOR TREASURES For 3 dan ths week, we have partneend Wehrw a bpe demand for large du sonds on rnational and with Benecial uit inring it, duiting it hiding it WANTEO-Diamand Jewely WANTED-Fise Antique Jewelry Gnologat wi Mt Holahan a GIA Gdsate Gemologist He has EWEARY PLEASE WANTED-Fine Timepleces WANTED Rie Sterling si A4 Btw" and tolo-uhymyniet APPRAISALS ARE FOR PURCHASE ONLY. NO CURBOSITY SEEKERS, PLEASE WANTED- Gold Jewelry If yeur treature is werth mere thae jpat gel WANTED WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY ONLY SEPTEMBER 12th, 13th&14th 10 AM to 5 PM APPOINTMENTS RECOMMENDED, BUT NOT REQUIRED. DIAMOND &JEWELRY Cindis Diamond & Jewelry Gallery 40 Central St., Foxborough, MA 02035 508.543.4943 I Serving the community for 25 years CINDS